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Apr 2

April is National Stress Awareness Month

A recent conversation amongst colleagues at Ringgold County Public Health (RCPH) ended in agreement:  We are collectively holding our breath waiting for spring to really arrive.  With Old Man Winter coming more than going and Lady Spring barely showing herself, it is understandable that stress might be high in southwest Iowa.  Unseasonably chilly weather might raise our stress level, but it’s a great reason to actively observe National Stress Awareness Month in April.

Everyone has stress, and handling it effectively helps prevent small problems from escalating.  Avoid overeating, smoking, or drinking as ways to deal with anxiety.  Instead, use positive approaches such as exercising, taking a break, or simply stepping outside for a breath of fresh air.  Express your feelings openly and frequently, and surround yourself with optimistic, caring people.

Many local residents have praised walking as a reliable coping strategy for stress.  Nancy Jarred of Tingley recently remarked about her regular walks, “They leave me feeling refreshed.  I sleep better, and it even gets rid of stress!”

RCPH continues their work on a Community Transformation Grant to reduce the impact of chronic diseases.  During the course of this work, many local residents with healthy lifestyles have shared the methods they use to stay healthy:  Be active.  Eat and sleep well.  Drink plenty of water.  Get a yearly checkup with your local health care provider.  If you would like more information on walking, biking, active living or healthy eating, call Ringgold County Public Health at 641-464-0691.