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Mar 22

Diagonal School Staff Living Healthy

Ringgold County Public Health recently met with a group from Diagonal School to discuss worksite wellness options. An exciting group of five school staff got to work on good ways to help employees be active during the winter. They decided that promoting participation in the Live Healthy Iowa 10-Week Challenge, a team-based online physical activity […]

Feb 26

Free Exercise Options in Ringgold County

Are you looking for ways to stay fit or lose weight? Check out this list of FREE exercise options in Ringgold County that includes outdoor and indoor walking as well as stair climbing and strength exercises. Click here to get a printable chart to keep handy all through the year!

Jan 24

Oleta Jones Shares Healthy Lifestyle Wisdom

There is great value in sayings that have stood the test of time.  Did you ever hear your grandparents or parents say, “What’s good for the body is good for the mind”?  Or, “Health is the first wealth”?  Simple but profound sayings, many would say. Most know eating healthy food and staying active will increase […]

May 4

May is Physical Activity Month: Walk or Bike to Work

Most effective weight loss plans include changes to both diet and physical activity to burn the calories you are eating.  The term “energy balance” refers to the balance between the energy (calories) you take in through foods and drinks and the energy you burn by being physically active. Your body stores extra energy as fat […]